Allison Brown

Mariannenstr. 9-10 , 4. OG
10999 Berlin

Allison Brown has been a freelance translator from German into English of scholarly books and essays, and exhibition texts and catalogues, since 1988. Her main fields of interest include history, art, and the social and political sciences, especially women’s and cultural studies. She has studied linguistics (Free University, Berlin) and German studies (B.A., Stanford University), and has an MA in translation science (Humboldt University, Berlin).

Allison also subtitles films. She is certified by the state of Berlin to translate official documents into English and is a member of the BDÜ, Germany's professional association of translators and interpreters.

A native New Yorker whose ten years in the Bay Area gave her a bi-coastal identity, Allison came to Berlin on a Fulbright grant in 1982 and has been living there (with some interruptions) and working on her "bi-continental" identity ever since.


Current Projects

Silent Heroes Memorial Center, in the German Resistance Memorial Center, Conference preparation: Program, Call for Papers, Registration



Digital German Women's Archive




Fritz-Bauer-Institut, Introduction, conference proceedings, The Holocaust and the Cold War: Culture and Justice.

Jo Andros, How Many Times: Revolutionary songs, liner notes.

various texts for the Journal of the Jewish Museum Berlin, no. 22 (2021); no. 23 "Tradition" (2022)


Gerhard Scholtz, "Segmentation: A Zoological Concept of Seriality," Article forthcoming in CRC Press/Taylor & Francis.

Lübecker Carlebach Synagoge, new exhibition incl. film subtitling

Online exhibition Nach der Flucht/Arriving: Life after Forced Migration, Marienfelde Refugee Center Museum,  Berlin Wall Foundation

Main Subject Areas:

• Jewish Studies, German-Jewish History, Antisemitism and Nazism


Susanna Schrafstetter, Flight and Concealment: Surviving the Holocaust Underground in Munich and Beyond (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2022); German: Flucht und Versteck. Untergetauchte Juden in München—Verfolgungserfahrung und Nachkriegsalltag (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2015).

Peter Schäfer, Two Gods in Heaven (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2020); German: Zwei Götter im Himmel (Munich: C.H. Beck, 2017).

res.o.nant, the light and sound installation by Mischa Kuball, exhibition catalog, Jewish Museum Berlin, translated together with Jake Schneider.

Luther's Words Are Everywhere: Martin Luther in Nazi Germany, exhibition catalog, Topography of Terror (Berlin, 2017).

Erica Fischer, Aimée & Jaguar, 1st English edition translated by Edna McCown. Translation of changes and additions for the new English edition.

Abraham A. Fraenkel, Recollections of a Jewish Mathematician in Germany, ed. Jiska Cohen-Mansfield (Basel: Birkhäuser (Springer), 2016); German: Lebenskreise: Aus den Erinnerungen eines jüdischen Mathematikers (Stuttgart: DVA, 1967).

Media and Minorities, conference proceedings, Jewish Museum Berlin, translated with Kate Sturge and Adam Blauhut.

The Memorial at the Frankfurt Grossmarkthalle, Jewish Museum Frankfurt, brochure, translated with Tom Lampert and Lee Holt. Presentation 16 February 2016.

"From all the suffering that fills this building ..." Exhibition and Catalog about the Gestapo Unit of the Cell Prison at Lehrter Str. 3 after the failed coup on July 20, 1944, for the German Resistance Memorial Center.

Obedience: The Stories of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael, exhibition catalog, Jewish Museum Berlin, translated with Adam Blauhut. See also reading sample.

Finding Aids: Traces of Nazi Victims in Berlin Archives, accompanying brochure for the special exhibition in the House of the Wannsee Conference, translated with Tom Lampert, 2014.

Between the Lines: The Press as an Instrument of Nazi Power, exhibition catalog for the Topography of Terror, Berlin, May 22-Oct. 20, 2013

Der Prozess - Adolf Eichmann vor Gericht/Facing Justice: Adolf Eichmann on Trial, Exhibition catalog, Topography of Terror, Berlin, 2011.

Berlin Jewish Film Festival 2008, catalog (film descriptions by Erica Fischer).

Jewish Daily Life in Germany, 1618–1945, ed. Marion Kaplan (Oxford and New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2005); a project of the Leo Baeck Institute; Part IV: From Everyday Jewish Life to a State of Emergency: Jews in Weimar and Nazi Germany, by Traude Maurer, pp. 271–373; German: Geschichte des jüdischen Alltags in Deutschland (Munich: Beck, 2003).

An Underground Life: The Memoirs of a Gay Jew in Nazi Berlin, Gad Beck (Madison, WI: Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1999); German: Und Gad ging zu David. Die Erinnerungen des Gad Beck, 1923 bis 1945, ed. Frank Heibert (Berlin: edition diá, 1995). Awards: ForeWord Magazine bronze award (gay/lesbian books), 1999; Lambda Literary Foundation Award finalist (gay auto-/biography), 1999. See reading sample

"Final Solution," trans. with Belinda Cooper (London: Arnold Publishers, 1999); German: "Endlösung" Völkerverschiebung und der Mord an den europäischen Juden, Götz Aly (Frankfurt/Main: S. Fischer Verlag, 1995).

Islam, Judaism, and Christianity: Theological and Historical Affiliations (Princeton, NJ: Wiener Publishers, 1997); German: Die theologischen Beziehungen des Islams zu Judentum und Christentum, Heribert Busse (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1988).

German-Jewish History in Modern Times, ed. Michael Meyer (A project of the Leo Baeck Institute), 4 chapters of vol. 2: Emancipation and Acculturation 1780-1871 (New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1997); German: Deutsch-jüdische Geschichte in der Neuzeit, ed. Michael Meyer (Munich: Beck, 1997).

A Visit to the Old Country: German cities extend invitations to their former Jewish citizens, trans. with Belinda Cooper (New York: New World Club, 1995); German: Besuch in der alten Heimat.

Anti-Semitism in Germany, trans. with Belinda Cooper (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1997); German: Antisemitismus in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Werner Bergmann and Rainer Erb (Opladen: Leske + Budrich Verlag, 1991).

Genizah–Hidden Legacies of the German Village Jews; German: Genisa - Verborgenes Erbe der deutschen Landjuden, Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 66-221, Hidden Legacy Foundation (Vienna: Verlagsgruppe Bertelsmann, 1992).

The Gate to Perfection: The Idea of Peace in Jewish Thought, chapters I-VI, Walter Homolka and Albert Friedlander (Providence, RI and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1994); German: Von der Sintflut ins Paradies.

Articles and Essays (selected):

Karen Körber, "Conflicting Memories, Conflicting Identities: The Russian-Jewish Immigration and the Image of a new German Jewry," in Migration, Memory, and Diversity: Germany from 1945 to the Present, ed. in Cornelia Wilhelm (Oxford and New York: Berghahn, 2016).

Journal, Jewish Museum Berlin, Themes: Architecture, 13, Women, No. 17: "Future"; No. 18: "Light"; No. 19: "Revolutions"; No. 20: "A is for Jewish", translated with Adam Blauhut and Kate Sturge

Ulrike Brunotte, "All Jews are womanly, but no women are Jews," 195–220, and Christina von Braun, "To See or Not to See: The Gaze and Gender in the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Cultures," 230–242, both in Orientalism, Gender, and the Jews, ed. Ulrike Brunotte, Anna-Dorothea Ludewig, and Axel Stähler (Berlin: DeGruyter, 2014).

Karen Körber, "Conflicting Memories, Conflicting Identities: The Russian-Jewish Immigration and the Image of a new German Jewry," in Cornelia Wilhelm (ed.): Migration Memory and Diversity in Germany after 1945, Berghahn Books (forthcoming).

"Saxon Judeities: Paradoxes between 'Protestant Spain' and a 'Paradise for the Jews,'" Stephan Wendehorst, in Fragments of Memory: The Temple of Solomon in the Dresden Zwinger, ed. Michael Korey and Thomas Ketelsen (Dresden: Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden/Detscher Kunstverlag, 2010), pp. 35–43, 90–92.

Claudia Bruns, "Antisemitism and Colonial Racism: Transnational and Interdiscursive Intersectionality," in Racisms Made in Germany, ed. Woul D. Hund, Christian Koller, and Moshe Zimmermann (Berlin etc: Lit Verlag, 2011), 99–121.

"Creed and Credit: Some Thoughts on Anti-Semitism," Doran Rabinovici, Journal, Jewish Museum Berlin, no. 3 (2010/2011), pp. 13–16.

"'The Carpenters' Mecca': The M. Mosberg Company in Bielefeld," Aubrey Pomerance, Journal, Jewish Museum Berlin, no. 3 (2010/2011), pp. 41–45.

Majer Bałaban, "Hugo Grotius and the Blood Libel Trials in Lublin, 1636," Polin 22 (2010), 47–67.

"Pushkin or Torah? The New Jewish Community in Germany," conference paper by Karen Körber.

"‘Aryanization’ as a Social Process," Frank Bajohr

"The Inevitable Dilemma: The Reich Association (Reichsvereinigung) of Jews in German, the Deportations, and the Jews Who Went Underground," Beate Meyer

"From Odessa to Dessau: An empirical case study on Jewish immigration to Germany," Karen Körber

Hebrew translations of the Middle Ages and Jews as Interpreters (Berlin 1893; repr. Graz 1956) by M. Steinschneider, pages 1-28 (sec. 1: "Encyclopedias" in the general information chapter)

Film subtitles:

Jews in Berlin, Helma Sanders-Brahms

These Days in Terezin, Sibylle Schönemann

Yeckes, German Jews in Israel, Jens Meurer

Johanna: A Dresden Ballad, Freya Klier


Jewish Museum Berlin, Exhibition "My Verses Are Like Dynamite": Curt Bloch's Het Oderwater Cabaret, translated as a team, Opening February 9, 2024; also articles for the JMB Journal.

Silent Heroes Memorial Center, in the German Resistance Memorial Center, new permanent exhibition with media stations; biographies and interview videos.

Spessart Museum (Lohr am Main), Media Station on Jewish History

Jewish Museum Berlin, new core exhibition, translated with Kate Sturge and Adam Blauhut.

Jewish Museum Berlin, exhibition A is for Jewish

Jerusalem, exhibition for the Jewish Museum Berlin, translated with Kate Sturge and Adam Blauhut.

Silent Heroes Memorial Site, expanded permanent exhibition and media station, Berlin.

Golem, exhibition for the Jewish Museum Berlin, translated with Kate Sturge.

Museum Judengasse, Frankfurt a.M., new permanent exhibition, translated with Adam Blauhut and Karen Margolis.

"Snip it! Stances on Ritual Circumcision," exhibition for the Jewish Museum Berlin, translated with Kate Sturge Braginsky Collection, Jewish Museum Berlin, Exhibition.

Alles hat seine Zeit/A Time for Everything, Jewish Museum Berlin, trans. with Kate Sturge.

Between the Lines: The Press as an Instrument of Nazi Power, an exhibition for the Topography of Terror, Berlin, May 22-Oct. 20, 2013 

The Whole Truth: Everything You Always Wanted To Know about Jews, exhibition for the Jewish Museum Berlin, March 22-Sept. 1, 2013

Exhibition on the painter R.B. Kitaj, Jüdisches Museum, Berlin

Exhibition: BERLIN TRANSIT: Jewish Immigrants from Eastern Europe in the 1920s, Jewish Museum Berlin, trans. with Adam Blauhut and Kate Sturge.

Der Prozess - Adolf Eichmann vor Gericht/Facing Justice: Adolf Eichmann on Trial,  exhibition and catalog, Topographie des Terrors, Berlin 2011.

Silent Heroes Memorial Center, under the auspices of the German Resistance Memorial Center; permanent exhibition (opened in October 2008) and catalogue (Berlin, 2010).

Heroes, Freaks, and Super-Rabbis: The Jewish Dimension of Comic Art, Exhibition Jewish Museum Berlin, Editing

Jewish Museum Berlin, Learning Center Exhibition, Editing

"Kosher and Co.: On Food and Religion," Exhibition of the Jewish Museum Berlin, trans. with Adam Blauhut.

Exhibition panels, video subtitles, script translations: "Jews in Berlin 1933—45", Centrum Judaicum, Berlin. 


• Social Sciences, Cultural Studies, General History, General Religion, Other


Witold Pilecki: Im Widerstand gegen Hitler und Stalin, permanent exhibition, Pilecki Institute, Berlin

Exhibition on the history of the Theological Konvikt, Borsigstrasse 5, Berlin

German Historical Museum Karl Marx and Capitalism / Karl Marx und der Kapitalismus, exhibition and media stations, 2021.

German Historical Museum, German Colonialism: Past and Present, exhibition and catalog, trans. with Karen Margolis et al., running until May 14, 2017.

Topography of Terror Documentation Center, exhibition: Luther’s words are everywhere ..." Martin Luther in Nazi Germany.

Märkisches Museum, Berlin, exhibition Berlin 1937.

"Mythos Germania" Exhibition for Berlin Underworlds, translated with Lee Holt.

Books and Online Documentation:

For Democracy: The Heinrich Böll Foundation's Engagement in the World, Heinrich Böll Foundation, translated with Tom Lampert.

German Colonialism: Past and Present, exhibition catalog for the German Historical Museum, trans. with Kate Sturge, Karen Margolis et al.

Richard Rottenburg, Ndemwareng: Economy and Society in the Moro Hills of Sudan, trans. with Tom Lampert; German: Munich: Trickster, 1991 (English edition not published)

Excerpt from the young people's book Afrika – Geschichte eines bunten Kontinents by Lutz van Dijk for the Website of the Goethe Institute

Werner Ende and Udo Steinbach (eds), Islam in the World Today: A Handbook of Politics, Religion, Culture, and Society, part of 10-person translation team (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2010); German: Der Islam in der Gegenwart, 5th rev. ed. (Munich: CH Beck, 2005).

Roadmap to 1325 (on UN Resolution 1325), ed. Gunda Werner Institute for Feminism and Gender Democracy in the Heinrich Böll Foundation, trans. with Sylvie Malich, Laura Radosh, and Kate Sturge; German: Hoffnungsträger 1325,  (Königstein/Taunus: Ulrike Helmer Verlag, 2008).

Gregor Thum, Uprooted: How Breslau Became Wroclaw during the Century of Expulsions, trans. with Tom Lampert and W. Martin (Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 2011); German: Die fremde Stadt. Breslau nach 1945 (Munich: Siedler, 2003)., trans. with Tom Lampert and W. Martin (Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, forthcoming); German: Die fremde Stadt. Breslau nach 1945 (Munich: Siedler, 2003).

Richard Rottenburg, Far-fetched Facts: A Parable of Development Aid, trans. with Tom Lampert (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2009); German: Weit hergeholte Fakten: Eine Parabel der Entwicklungshilfe (Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius, 2002).

Petra Kelly: A Remembrance, ed. Heinrich Böll Foundation (Berlin, 2008); German: Petra Kelly. Eine Erinnerung, ed. Heinrich Böll Stiftung (Berlin 2007).

German History in Documents, vol. 9: "The Two Germanies (1961–1989)," online documentation, a project of the German Historical Institute, Washington, DC.

German History in Documents, vol. 10: "One Germany in Europe (1989–present)," online documentation, a project of the German Historical Institute, Washington, DC.

Jörg Friedrich, The Fire: The Bombing of Germany 1940–1945 (New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 2006); German: Der Brand: Deutschland im Bombenkrieg 1940–1945 (Munich: Propyläen, 2002).

Jürgen Malitz,  Nero (Oxford: Blackwell, 2005); German: Nero (Munich: Beck, 1999).

Klaus Bade, Migration in European History (Oxford: Blackwell, 2003); German: Europa in Bewegung (Munich: Beck, 2001); in the "Making of Europe/Europa Bauen" Series, ed. Jacques Le Goff.

Gisela Bock, Women in European History (Oxford: Blackwell, 2002); German: Frauen in der Europäischen Geschichte: Vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart (Munich: Beck, 2000); in the "Making of Europe/Europa Bauen" Series, ed. Jacques Le Goff.

Heinz Halm, Shi'a Islam (Princeton, NJ: Wiener Publishers, 1997); German: Der Schiitische Islam (Munich: Beck, 1994).

Dan Diner, Anti-Americanism in Germany (Princeton, NJ: Wiener Publ., 1996); German: Verkehrte Welten. Antiamerikanismus in Deutschland (Frankfurt/Main: Eichborn Verlag, 1993).

Volker Gransow and Konrad Jarausch, eds, Uniting Germany, trans. with Belinda Cooper (Providence, RI and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1994); German: Die deutsche Vereinigung. Dokumente zu Bürgerbewegung, Annäherung und Beitritt (Cologne: Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik, 1991).

Culture: articles in online and print magazines

Berlinale Forum, program, Film Synopses

Udo Breger, "Beat Seasons," Beat Scene, no. 71a (Winter 2014), 42–45.

SurVivArt: Art for the Right to a Good Life, catalog texts, Heinrich Böll Foundation

HEKMAG; fashion and culture magazine published by the Aimaq Rapp Stolle advertising agency.      See reading sample

“I” Magazine (Visa Infinite); quarterly customer magazine published by Corpcom GmbH—Dialogue with the Islamic World; Internet portal of Deutsche Welle, the German Federal Agency for Civic Education (BPB), Goethe Institute, and the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (Institute for Foreign Affairs, ifa).

Essays (selected):

Katharina Franck, Rainbirds, "Notizen im Sturm“ – Das Album "Two Faces", oder Das Neue Debut (1991)

Bernhard Jussen, "Between Ideology and Technology: Depicting Charlemagne in Modern Times," in The Making of Medieval History, ed. Graham Loud and Martial Staub (Suffolk UK/Rochester, NY: York Medieval Press/Boydell and Brewer, 2017), 127–152; German: "Bild- und Mediengeschichte: Karl der Große in der Moderne", in Kaiser und Kalifen. Karl der Große und die Mächte am Mittelmeer um 800 (Darmstadt: Zabern, 2014), 330–349.

Essays from: Bernhard Jussen, Die Franken. Geschichte, Gesellschaft, Kultur (Munich: CH Beck, 2014).

Hubert Knoblauch and Regina Herbrik, "Emotional Knowledge, Emotional Styles, and Religion," in Collective Emotions, ed. Christian von Scheve and Mikko Salmela (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2014), 356–372.

Daniel Logemann, "After the Conflict is Before the Conflict? On the Debate over the Three-Part Miniseries Unsere Mütter, Unsere Väter (Generation War) shown on ZDF German Television," for the Imre-Kertész-Kolleg, University of Jena

Daniela Mehler,"Empty Words on Paper: The Nonexistent Debate on Extending the Lustration Law in Serbia," for the Imre Kertész Kolleg, Univ. Jena

Árpád von Klimó, "The Hungarian Debate on 1989," for the Imre Kertész Kolleg, Univ. Jena.

Future of the EU for the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Chapter: "Foreign and Security Policy"

"On Cruelty: Conceptual Considerations and the Summary of an Interdisciplinary Debate," Trutz von Trotha, in On Cruelty, ed. Trutz von Trotha and Jakob Rösel (Cologne, Köppe, 2011), 1–67.

Yuri Andrukhovych, "The Star Wormwood: Notes in remembrance of a bitter anniversary," text on Chernobyl, for the Heinrich Böll Foundation, 2011   see reading sample

"Banking as Emotional Capitalism: The End of Greed as 'Calm Passion,'" Essay by Sieghard Neckel, University of Vienna.

Bodo Weber, "On the Perception of Ethnic Conflicts and Their Impact on Post-1989 Western Democratization Policy in Southeastern Europe" (Über die Wahrnehmung ethnischer Konflikte und ihre Auswirkung auf westliche Demokratisierungspolitik in Südosteuropa nach '89), for the Heinrich Böll Foundation.

Trutz von Trotha, "Colonialism," in Blackwell Companion to European History: Nineteenth-Century Europe, 1789-1914, ed. Stefan Berger (London, etc., 2006), pp. 432–447.

Jürgen Kocka, "Civil Society in Historical Perspective," Paul Nolte, "The Faces of Social Inequality," and Herfried Münkler, “Civil Society: Desperate Wishful Thinking?” in Civil Society: Berlin Perspectives, ed. John Keane (New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2006), chs 1 (37–50), 3 (71–90), 4 (91–102).

Anna Bergmann, "Medical Experiments on Human Beings in Nineteenth-Century Germany: Sacrificing the ‘Inferior’ to ‘Save Mankind’"

Jürgen Fijalkowski, "Incorporating Immigrants and Expanding Citizenship" 

Ludger Pries, "New Migration in Transnational Space" 

Edith Broszinsky-Schwabe, "Multicultural Society in Germany in Theory and Practice"

Bettina Gransow, "Nontranslatable: Indigenous concepts in social scientific research on China"

Mechthild Leutner, "Death, Mourning, and Burial in Peking: The Logic behind the Practice. Some theories on social change in China since the nineteenth century" 

Hans Erich Bödeker, "Concept—Meaning—Discourse: Begriffsgeschichte Reconsidered"

Charlotte Wiedemann, "Like a Chronic Illness: A Report on Cambodia" 

Dietlind Hüchtker, "Deconstruction and Agency: A Proposal for Incorporating Concepts of Feminist Theory into Historical Research, exemplified using Berlin's Poor Relief Policy, 1770-1850" 

Valentin Groebner, "The City Guard’s Salute: Legal and Illegal, Public and Private Gifts in the Swiss Confederation around 1500" 

Film and theater titles:

Rwanda Revisited, dir. Hans-Werner Kroesinger, for Hebbel am Ufer (Hebbel Theater, Berlin), supertitles.


• Gender/Women's Studies


Pearls on the River Spree: Berlin – City of Women, Senatsverwaltung für Frauen, trans. with Kate Sturge (Berlin: edition ebersbach, 2012).

Roadmap to 1325 (on UN Resolution 1325), ed. Gunda Werner Institute for Feminism and Gender Democracy in the Heinrich Böll Foundation, trans. with Sylvie Malich, Laura Radosh, and Kate Sturge; German: Hoffnungsträger 1325 (Königstein/Taunus: Ulrike Helmer Verlag, 2008).

Encyclopedia of Arab Women Filmmakers, trans. with Deborah Cohen and Nancy Joyce (Cairo: American Univ. in Cairo Press, 2005); German: Freiräume—Lebensträume. Arabische Filmemacherinnen, Rebecca Hillauer (Bad Honnef: Horlemann, 2001).

Women in European History (Oxford: Blackwell, 2002); German: Frauen in der Europäischen Geschichte: Vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart , Gisela Bock (Munich: Beck, 2000); in the "Making of Europe/Europa Bauen" Series, ed. Jacques Le Goff.

Contextualizing Equality: Towards a Feminist Theory of Law, trans. with Belinda Cooper (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Univ. Press, 2001); German: Gleichheit ohne Angleichung. Frauen im Recht, Ute Gerhard (Munich: Beck, 1990).

An Underground Life: The Memoirs of a Gay Jew in Nazi Berlin, Gad Beck (Madison, WI: Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1999); German: Und Gad ging zu David. Die Erinnerungen des Gad Beck, 1923 bis 1945, ed. Frank Heibert (Berlin: edition diá, 1995). Awards: ForeWord Magazine bronze award (gay/lesbian books), 1999; Lambda Literary Foundation Award finalist (gay auto-/biography), 1999. See reading sample

Days of Masquerade: Life Stories of Lesbians During the Third Reich (New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1996); German: Zeit der Maskierung, Claudia Schoppmann (Berlin: Orlanda Frauenverlag, 1993).

Conference documentation, "European Strategies to Prevent and Combat Trafficking in Women," 25–26 November 1998 in Berlin.


Ulrike Brunotte, "All Jews are womanly, but no women are Jews," 195–220, and Christina von Braun, "To See or Not to See: The Gaze and Gender in the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Cultures," 230–242, both in Orientalism, Gender, and the Jews, ed. Ulrike Brunotte, Anna-Dorothea Ludewig, and Axel Stähler (Berlin: DeGruyter, 2014).

Daniela Comani, texts on her photo series "A Happy Marriage"

Dominique Grisard, Gendering Terror, a gender history of left-wing terrorism in Switzerland; German: Frankfurt: Campus, 2011; several chapters for an article

Articles for the peer-reviewed journal Ethnologia Europaea 42/2; special topic: Transnational Familiarity, guest editors: Ina Merkel, Karen Körber.

"Is there a Female Entrepreneurial Culture? German Female Entrepreneurs, 1930-1980," Christiane Eifert

Irene Dölling, "The ‘New Woman’ of the Weimar Republic: Visualization and Standardization of Modernization Processes."

Sabine Hark, "Phantom of Modern Identities—Queer Interventions."

Gesa Lindemann, "The Body of Gender Difference."

Dietlind Hüchtker, "Deconstruction and Agency: A Proposal for Incorporating Concepts of Feminist Theory into Historical Research, exemplified using Berlin's Poor Relief Policy, 1770-1850."





• Museum Exhibitions, Art, Art History

Exhibition panels, captions, catalogs and/or articles:

German Romantic Museum, Frankfurt, Text on the Arabesque by Armgart von Arnim, with sections of the related poem by Maximiliane von Arnim

Witold Pilecki: Im Widerstand gegen Hitler und Stalin, permanent exhibition, Pilecki Institute, Berlin

Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Ausstellung "Mein Dichten ist wie Dynamit" Curt Blochs Het Onderwater Cabaret, translated as a team, opened February 9, 2024; also relevant articles for the JMB Journal.

Silent Heroes Memorial Center, in the German Resistance Memorial Center, new permanent exhibition with media stations; biographies and interview videos.

Exhibition on the history of the Theological Konvikt, Borsigstrasse 5, Berlin

Karl Marx and Capitalism / Karl Marx und der Kapitalismus, German Historical Museum, Exhibition and media stations, 2021.

Jewish Museum Berlin, new core exhibition, translated with Kate Sturge and Adam Blauhut.

Jewish Museum Berlin, exhibition A is for Jewish

Ulli Seegers, "Object Images with Room for Emotion," on the art of Ulrike Nattermüller.

Luther's Words Are Everywhere: Martin Luther in Nazi Germany, Ausstellungskatalog, Topographie des Terrors (Berlin, 2017).

State Opera Unter den Linden: The Restoration, Photo book on the Renovation of the State Opera, Berlin, Alexander Schippel, photographer; various texts incl. Foreword by Horst Bredekamp and a text by the opera director Matthias Schulz (Berlin: Hatje Cantz, 2018)

Daniela Comani, Planet Earth: 21st Century, text by Vera Tollmann

Jerusalem, exhibition for the Jewish Museum Berlin, translated with Kate Sturge and Adam Blauhut.

Exhibition catalog +ultra. gestaltung schafft wissen / +ultra knowledge & gestaltung (as part of a team of translators), ed. Nikola Doll, Horst Bredekamp, and Wolfgang Schäffner for the Excellence Cluster "Bild Wissen Gestaltung" of the Humboldt University Berlin, exhibition in Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin (Leipzig: E.A. Seeman, 2017). 

Silent Heroes Memorial Site, expanded permanent exhibition and media station, Berlin.

Golem, exhibition for the Jewish Museum Berlin, translated with Kate Sturge.

Museum Judengasse, Frankfurt a.M., new permanent exhibition, translated with Adam Blauhut and Karen Margolis.

Obedience: The Stories of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael, exhibition catalog, Jewish Museum Berlin, translated with Adam Blauhut. See also reading sample.

"Mythos Germania" Exhibition for Berlin Underworlds, translated with Lee Holt

"Snip it! Stances on Ritual Circumcision," exhibition for the Jewish Museum Berlin, translated with Kate Sturge.

The Braginsky Collection, Jewish Museum Berlin, Exhibition.

Alles hat seine Zeit/A Time for Everything, Jewish Museum Berlin, trans. with Kate Sturge.

Between the Lines: The Press as an Instrument of Nazi Power , an exhibition for the Topography of Terror, Berlin, May 22-Oct. 20, 2013.

The Whole Truth: Everything You Always Wanted To Know about Jews, exhibition for the Jewish Museum Berlin, March 22-Sept. 1, 2013

Daniela Comani, texts on her photo series "A Happy Marriage"

Exhibition on the painter R.B. Kitaj, Jewish Museum Berlin

SurVivArt: Art for the Right to a Good Life, catalog texts, Heinrich Böll Foundation

Exhibition: "BERLIN TRANSIT: Jewish Immigrants from Eastern Europe in the 1920s," Jewish Museum Berlin, trans. with Adam Blauhut and Kate Sturge

Exhibition for the Prince Salman Science Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, trans. together with Richard Toovey.

Der Prozess - Adolf Eichmann vor Gericht/Facing Justice: Adolf Eichmann on Trial, exhibition and catalog, Topography of Terror, Berlin, 2011.

Silent Heroes Memorial Center, under the auspices of the German Resistance Memorial Center; permanent exhibition (opened in October 2008) and catalogue (Berlin, 2010).

Heroes, Freaks, and Super-Rabbis: The Jewish Dimension of Comic Art, Exhibition Jewish Museum Berlin, Editing

Jewish Museum Berlin, Learning Center Exhibition, Editing

"Kosher and Co.: On Food and Religion," Exhibition of the Jewish Museum Berlin, trans. with Adam Blauhut.

Exhibition, "Mildred Harnack," Gedenkstätte deutscher Widerstand/German Resistance Memorial Center, trans. with Karen Margolis, Katy Derbyshire, Sylvie Malich.

Exhibition, "F.W. Murnau," Film Museum Berlin,

Exhibition and catalog (bilingual), A Beat of the Wing: Angels in Film/Flügelschlag: Engel im Film, Film Museum Berlin, see reading sample.

Exhibition panels, video subtitles, script translations: "Jews in Berlin 1933–45," Centrum Judaicum, Berlin,

Exhibition panels, "The Invention of Switzerland 1848–1998," Swiss National Museum, Zurich.

Exhibition catalog, Genizah—Hidden Legacies of the German Village Jews; German: Genisa - Verborgenes Erbe der deutschen Landjuden, pp. 66-221, Hidden Legacy Foundation (Vienna: Verlagsgruppe Bertelsmann, 1992).

Articles for the book to the exhibition: p0es1s: The Aesthetics of Digital Poetry, ed. Friedrich W. Block, Christiane Heibach, Karin Wenz (Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2004).

Bataille Monument (Dokumenta), Thomas Hirschhorn

Descriptions of artwork of various artists, for Galerie sphn, Koppenplatz, Berlin

Descriptions of artwork for Marlies von Soden, Berlin

Descriptions of artwork for Christa-Luise Riedel, Frankenthal

Art catalog, Markus Blattmann, Karlsruhe

Articles on the art of Xenia Hausner, Ladies First—Second Choice (Cologne: Wienand, 2003).

"The Artwork of Doris Hinzen-Roehrig," Katja von der Bey, exhibition catalogue, The National Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand, 3-29 Feb. 1996

Map and Guide, "The Olympic Grounds: Former Reichssportfeld," Museumspädagogische Dienst Berlin.


Art history, books:

Thomas Weil, New Grammar of Ornament, Lars Müller Publishing, Zurich.

State Opera Unter den Linden: The Restoration, photo book on the renovation of the State Opera, Berlin, Alexander Schippel, photographer; various texts incl. Foreword by Horst Bredekamp and a text by the opera director Matthias Schulz (Berlin: Hatje Cantz, 2018)

The Lure of Antiquity and the Cult of the Machine (Princeton, NJ: Wiener Publishers, 1995); German: Antikensehnsucht und Maschinenglauben: Die Geschichte der Kunstkammer und die Zukunft der Kunstgeschichte, Horst Bredekamp (Berlin: Verlag Klaus Wagenbach, 1993). See reading sample.

The History of the Ancient South Arabian Kingdoms (Princeton, NJ: Wiener Publishers, 2001); German: Geschichte der altsüdarabischen Reiche, Klaus Schippmann (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1998).


Art history, essays:

Daniela Comani, Planet Earth: 21st Century, Text von Vera Tollmann

Geography of Photography / Japan – Photography and Photographers, symposium texts, University of Zurich, Art History Institute.

"Re-staging Histories and Identities,” Rosmarie Beier-de Haan (German Historical Museum, Berlin), in Blackwell Companion to Museum Studies, ed. Sharon J. Macdonald (London, etc, 2006), ch. 12, 186–197.

"Concepts of Identity in the Reception of Abstract Art in Postwar Germany," Katja von der Bey

“Virtue of a King—Desire of a Woman: Mythological Representations in the Collection of Queen Christina of Sweden,” Veronica Biermann

"Section, Strain, and Stress: The Anatomy of Construction from Leonardo to Modern Times," Andreas Kahlow

"Mathematics in surrealism: A new allegory of mathematics?" Gabriele Werner

“'The shades of Varus are still looming and coming down on the grandchildren of Arminius with a formidable vengeance’: The presentation of the Varus battle in film,” Thomas Tode and Tom Stern, in Funde, Filme, falsche Freunde: Der Archäologiefilm im Dienst von Profit und Propaganda, ed. Kurt Denzer (Kiel, 2003), pp. 168–85.




Book translations



2023 Erik Riedel, Ludwig Meidner Catalog Raisonné of the Paintings until 1927, Deutsch: Ludwig Meidner Werksverzeichnis, trans. with Adam Blauhut (Berlin: Gebr. Mann/Frankfurt: Ludwig Meidner Gesellschaft), 2023.

2022  Forum Wissen, Catalogue: Spaces of Knowledge, hg. Marie Luisa Allemeyer, Joachim Baur und Christian Vogel, übersetzt mit Adam Blauhut, Tom Lampert und Kate Sturge (Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag, 2023).

2022 The Berlin Kunstkammer, Hg. Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, übersetzt mit Adam Blauhut und Tom Lampert (Petersberg: Imhof Verlag, 2022); Deutsch: Der Berliner Kunstkammer.

2021: Thomas Weil, New Grammar of Ornament (Zürich: Lars Müller Publisher, 2021).

2020–21 Susanna Schrafstetter, Flight and Concealment: Surviving the Holocaust Underground in Munich and Beyond (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2022); German: Flucht und Versteck. Untergetauchte Juden in München—Verfolgungserfahrung und Nachkriegsalltag (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2015).

2019   Peter Schäfer, Two Gods in Heaven (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2020); German: Zwei Götter im Himmel (Munich: C.H. Beck, 2017).

2018  State Opera Unter den Linden: The Restoration, Photo book on the Renovation of the State Opera, Berlin, Alexander Schippel, photographer; various texts incl. Foreword by Horst Bredekamp and a text by the opera director Matthias Schulz (Berlin: Hatje Cantz, 2018)

2017    Luther's Words Are Everywhere: Martin Luther in Nazi Germany, ed. Topography of Terror Foundation, exhibition catalog (Berlin, 2017).

2016 German Colonialism: Past and Present, exhibition catalog for the German Historical Museum, trans. with Kate Sturge, Karen Margolis et al.


2016    Abraham A. Fraenkel, Recollections of a Jewish Mathematician in Germany, ed. Jiska Cohen-Mansfield (Basel: Birkhäuser (Springer), 2016); German: Lebenskreise: Aus den Erinnerungen eines jüdischen Mathematikers (Stuttgart: DVA, 1967).


2016 The Memorial at the Frankfurt Grossmarkthalle, Jewish Museum Frankfurt, brochure, translated with Tom Lampert and Lee Holt.

2015     Obedience: The Stories of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael, exhibition catalog, Jewish Museum Berlin, translated with Adam Blauhut. See also reading sample.

2014     Finding Aids: Traces of Nazi Victims in Berlin Archives, accompanying brochure for the special exhibition in the House of the Wannsee Conference, translated with Tom Lampert.

2012–13 Between the Lines: The Press as an Instrument of Nazi Power, exhibition catalog for the Topography of Terror, Berlin, May 22–Oct. 20, 2013.

2012     Richard Rottenburg, Ndemwareng: Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in den Morobergen, Sudanesische Marginalien Serie Band 2 (Munich, 1991), translated with Tom Lampert, forthcoming.

2011     Pearls on the River Spree: Berlin – City of Women, ed. Senatsverwaltung für Frauen (Berlin: edition ebersbach, 2012), trans. with Kate Sturge.

2011     Der Prozess - Adolf Eichmann vor Gericht/Facing Justice: Adolf Eichmann on Trial, exhibition catalog, Topography of Terror (Berlin, 2011).

2010   Catalog to "Silent Heroes" Memorial Center,  from the German Resistance Memorial Center (Berlin, 2010).

2010     In View: Heinrich Böll's Novel Sketches/Ansichten: Die Romanskizzen Heinrich Bölls, ed. Heinrich Böll Foundation (Berlin, 2010); bilingual edition.

2009–10 Werner Ende and Udo Steinbach (eds), Islam in the World Today: A Handbook of Politics, Religion, Culture, and Society, part of 10-person translation team (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2010); German: Der Islam in der Gegenwart, 5th rev. ed. (Munich: CH Beck, 2005).

2009–10 Roadmap to 1325 (UN Resolution for gender-sensitive peace and security policies), ed. Gunda Werner Institute for Feminism and Gender Democracy in the Heinrich Böll Foundation, trans. with Sylvie Malich, Laura Radosh, and Kate Sturge (Opladen and Farmington Hills, MI: Barbara Budrich: 2010); German: Hoffnungsträger 1325,  (Königstein/Taunus: Ulrike Helmer Verlag, 2008).

2009     Gregor Thum, Uprooted: How Breslau Became Wroclaw during the Century of Expulsions, trans. with Tom Lampert and W. Martin (Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 2011); German: Die fremde Stadt. Breslau nach 1945 (Munich: Siedler, 2003).

2008     Petra Kelly: A Remembrance, ed. Heinrich Böll Foundation (Berlin, 2008); German: Petra Kelly. Eine Erinnerung, ed. Heinrich Böll Stiftung (Berlin 2007).

2007     Richard Rottenburg, Far-fetched Facts: A Parable of Development Aid, trans. with Tom Lampert (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2009); German: Weit hergeholte Fakten: Eine Parabel der Entwicklungshilfe (Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius, 2002).

2006     Heinz Halm, The Arabs: A Short History, trans. with Tom Lampert (Princeton: Markus Wiener Publishers, 2007); German: Die Araber (Munich: Beck, 2004).

2004-05 Jörg Friedrich, The Fire: The Bombing of Germany 1940–1945 (New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 2006); German: Der Brand. Deutschland im Bombenkrieg 1940–1945 (Munich: Propyläen, 2002). See book reviews.

2004     Rebecca Hillauer, Encyclopedia of Arab Women Filmmakers, trans. with Deborah Cohen and Nancy Joyce (Cairo: American Univ. in Cairo Press, 2005); German: Freiräume–Lebensträume. Arabische Filmemacherinnen (Bad Honnef: Horlemann, 2001).

2003-04 Jürgen Malitz, Nero (Oxford: Blackwell, 2005); German: Nero (Munich: Beck, 1999).

2002     Klaus Bade, Migration in European History (Oxford: Blackwell, 2003); German: Europa in Bewegung (Munich: Beck, 2001); in the "Making of Europe/Europa Bauen" Series, ed. Jacques Le Goff.

2002     Marion Kaplan (ed.), Jewish Daily Life in Germany, 1618–1945  (Oxford and New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2005); a project of the Leo Baeck Institute; Part IV: From Everyday Jewish Life to a State of Emergency: Jews in Weimar and Nazi Germany, by Traude Maurer, pp. 271–373; German: Geschichte des jüdischen Alltags in Deutschland (Munich: Beck, 2003).

2001    Gisela Bock, Women in European History (Oxford: Blackwell, 2002); German: Frauen in der Europäischen Geschichte: Vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart (Munich: Beck, 2000); in the "Making of Europe/Europa Bauen" Series, ed. Jacques Le Goff.

2001     Three children’s books, never published in English; German: Vera Wolle ist ein Schaf, Hotte von Hüh ist ein Pferd, Fünf Kinder hatte Mama Maus (Tivola Verlag, Berlin, 2000).

1999-2000 Klaus Schippmann, The History of the Ancient South Arabian Kingdoms (Princeton, NJ: Wiener Publishers, 2001); German: Geschichte der altsüdarabischen Reiche (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1998).

1999-2000 Ute Gerhard, Contextualizing Equality: Towards a Feminist Theory of Law, trans. with Belinda Cooper (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Univ. Press, 2001); German: Gleichheit ohne Angleichung. Frauen im Recht (Munich: Beck, 1990).

1998-99 Gad Beck, An Underground Life: The Memoirs of a Gay Jew in Nazi Berlin (Madison, WI: Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1999); German: Und Gad ging zu David. Die Erinnerungen des Gad Beck, 1923 bis 1945, ed. Frank Heibert (Berlin: edition diá, 1995). Awards: ForeWord Magazine bronze award (gay/lesbian books), 1999; Lambda Literary Foundation Award finalist (gay auto-/biography), 1999. See reading sample.

1997-98 Götz Aly, "Final Solution," trans. with Belinda Cooper (London: Arnold Publishers, 1999); German: "Endlösung" Völkerverschiebung und der Mord an den europäischen Juden (Frankfurt/Main: S. Fischer Verlag, 1995).

1997     Heribert Busse, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity: Theological and Historical Affiliations (Princeton, NJ: Wiener Publishers, 1997); German: Die theologischen Beziehungen des Islams zu Judentum und Christentum (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1988).

1996    Michael Meyer (ed.), German-Jewish History in Modern Times (A project of the Leo Baeck Institute), 4 chapters of vol. 2: Emancipation and Acculturation 1780-1871 (New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1997); German: Deutsch-jüdische Geschichte in der Neuzeit (Munich: Beck, 1997).

1996     Heinz Halm, Shi'a Islam (Princeton, NJ: Wiener Publishers, 1997); German: Der Schiitische Islam (Munich: Beck, 1994).

1995-96 Dan Diner, Anti-Americanism in Germany (Princeton, NJ: Wiener Publ., 1996); German: Verkehrte Welten. Antiamerikanismus in Deutschland (Frankfurt/Main: Eichborn Verlag, 1993).

1995     Claudia Schoppmann, Days of Masquerade: Life Stories of Lesbians During the Third Reich (New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1996); German: Zeit der Maskierung (Berlin: Orlanda Frauenverlag, 1993).

1995     A Visit to the Old Country: German cities extend invitations to their former Jewish citizens, trans. with Belinda Cooper (New York: New World Club, 1995); German: Besuch in der alten Heimat, ed. Aufbau: a German Jewish newspaper (New York: New World Club, 1994).

1994     Horst Bredekamp, The Lure of Antiquity and the Cult of the Machine (Princeton, NJ: Wiener Publishers, 1995); German: Antikensehnsucht und Maschinenglauben: Die Geschichte der Kunstkammer und die Zukunft der Kunstgeschichte (Berlin: Verlag Klaus Wagenbach, 1993). See reading sample.

1994     Werner Bergmann and Rainer Erb, Anti-Semitism in Germany, trans. with Belinda Cooper (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1997); German: Antisemitismus in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Opladen: Leske + Budrich Verlag, 1991).

1993     Volker Gransow and Konrad Jarausch (eds), Uniting Germany, trans. with Belinda Cooper (Providence, RI and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1994); German: Die deutsche Vereinigung. Dokumente zu Bürgerbewegung, Annäherung und Beitritt (Cologne: Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik, 1991).

1992     Genizah–Hidden Legacies of the German Village Jews; German: Genisa - Verborgenes Erbe der deutschen Landjuden, Exhibition Catalogue, pp. 66-221, Hidden Legacy Foundation (Vienna: Verlagsgruppe Bertelsmann, 1992).

1991     Walter Homolka and Albert Friedlander, The Gate to Perfection: The Idea of Peace in Jewish Thought, chapters I-VI (Providence, RI and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1994); German: Von der Sintflut ins Paradies.

Film subtitles and theater surtitles

Film subtitles:

Everything but Oom-Pa-Pa, a documentary film about the Frauenblasorchester Berlin (Berlin Women's Concert Band), Dir.: Kerstin Polte
The Woman with the Camera: A Portrait of the Photographer Abisag Tüllmann,
Claudia von Alemann
Bechstein: A Love Story
Comrade Couture (Ein Traum in Erdbeerfolie),
Marco Wilms
No Place to Go (Die Unberührbare),
Oskar Roehler
Oriental Journey (Voyage oriental),
Stefan Schwietert
Starbuck: Holger Meins,
Gerd Conradt
Moon Calf (Mondkalb),
Sylke Enders
Jews in Berlin,
Helma Sanders-Brahms
These Days in Terezin,
Sibylle Schönemann
Yeckes, German Jews in Israel,
Jens Meurer
Dangerous Places,
Elfi Mikesch
Still Life, The Performance, and The Creators of Shopping Worlds,
Harun Farocki
Mr. Givi and the Reverse Emigration,
Petra Tschörtner
Hannes Schönemann
The Hillbrow Kids,
Michael Hammon and Jacqueline Görgen
Thomas Arslan
Martin Enlen
Life is the Main Thing,
Connie Walther
The Murderer,
Christian von Castleberg
Changing Directions (Zwischen Lust und Last),
Natalie Kreisz and Julia Novak
A Life’s Passions: The Composer Sofia Gubaidulina,
Daniel Finkernagel and Alexander Lück
Johanna: A Dresden Ballad,
Freya Klier
2 episodes of the television sitcom Ein Haus voller Töchter (A House Full of Daughters).

Theater Surtitles:

The Cherry Orchard (Chekhov), adapted by Falk Richter, English supertitles for the Berliner Schaubühne
Alice, Lewis Carroll,
adaptation by R. Schimmelpfennig, surtitles, 2009 Salzburg Theater Festival, Young Directors Project
Rwanda Revisited,
dir. Hans-Werner Kroesinger, English supertitles for HAU (Hebbel Theater, Berlin).

Translation Samples and Book Reviews


The Linguist 54/5, October/November 2015:

"Re-writing History," by Allison Brown, pp. 13-15, 34